8 Tips for Better Portion Control

8 Tips for Better Portion Control 1: Focus on eating whole foods (avoiding pre-packaged food-like substances as much as possible) including protein, healthy fats and vegetables, until you are satiated (that feeling where you are about 80% full). Don’t deprive yourself since this always...

6 Ways to Bust Through Your Weight Loss Plateau

6 Ways to Bust Through Your Weight Loss Plateau It happens to all of us at some point – the dreaded plateau! Trust me when I say I know what it’s like. I remember thinking, “I’m NEVER going to lose this weight!” I was so fixated on the number on the scale, and that only kept me frustrated, discouraged, and worst of...

How To Make Lifestyle Changes That Last

How To Make Lifestyle Changes That Last We have all been there.  Facing a change that we know we need to make. Standing on this side of the change can seem so overwhelming and because of that we just keep putting that change off.   It seems thought, the longer we put it off the worse the guilty feeling gets...

Get Moving

Get Moving We are all busy and it can seem overwhelming to add exercising to our already busy day.   Exercise doesn’t have to be hours at the gym, exercise can happen anytime and anywhere you just have to get moving.   You can even exercise while standing in the line at the...

Eat a “Brainy Breakfast“

Eat a “Brainy Breakfast“ With so many of us in a rush in the mornings it is easy to skip breakfast or make a poor choice. However, breakfast they say is the most important meal of the day.  Here’s why: Breakfast makes our minds more efficient. Research shows that a nutritious breakfast helps...
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